
Growing Old Gratefully

Let’s use our wisdom and life experience to contribute to a better future for ourselves and those around us. By embracing these principles of awakening, energizing, inspiring, and contributing, we can continue to lead purposeful and meaningful lives well into our golden years.

Thank you for coming to our site. We heard the phrase, “Growing Old Gratefully” a few days ago and we gave each other a resounding High Five! 

About Us

For the past 50 years, Marilyn and Warren Atteberry have been in the business of teaching people tools to awaken their innate powers to create what they REALLY want instead of settling for what life seems to give them. Today we look forward to adding the frosting to decades of our efforts. We are also looking forward to the updated version of our website, coming soon!   Thank you again for showing up.

Win/Win World

Our soon-to-be Boomers-to-Bloomers Site will offer more information about us as elders looking for others who, like us, want to transcend current notions about growing older and use our lives to explore what we can do to co-create what Buckminster Fuller called a “Win/Win world for ourselves, our families, friends and the planet“.

As you learn to manage your mind’s beliefs, more and more of the elements of life will come under your control.” ~Harry Palmer, Creator of The Avatar® Materials

Two Things You Can Do Right Now

Fill out the form here to receive a down-loadable pdf
“Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life”.
These are simple actions and exercises that can have a profound impact on how you see and experience yourself and you life.


Enjoy a 30-minute chat with Marilyn personally and receive a gift of 5 Compassion Cards.  Ask her any questions and learn more about the Avatar Tools.

Please click below.